Too good to go to waste
Globally 1.2 billion tons of food are wasted on farms each year. This is significantly more than is wasted from retail and food service industries and households combined and is enough to feed the world’s 870 million undernourished four times over (WWF, 2021)
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Globally, food loss/waste accounts for 10% of greenhouse gas emissions
In sub-Saharan Africa, nearly half of fruits and vegetables never
the market
This has a devastating impact:
- Farmer incomes are hugely impacted. In sub-Saharan Africa, 1% reduction in post harvest loss could save US$40 million each year.
- Food that is left to rot releases methane, a greenhouse gas that is 28 times more potent than CO2. And with food loss, huge amounts of natural resources are also wasted such as land, water and energy.
- 32% of Kenyans face food insecurity or poor nutrition. Low-income household can spend up to 75% of income on food.
How our odd-looking solution works
We’re HACCP certified. Our solution follows a rigorous quality assurance process to procure fresh, affordable vegetables delivered to our customers across Nairobi and beyond on the dot. Always.